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Welcome to Motivision

Next Gen AI Workout Tracking

Automate personal training in your gym to increase trainers' capacity enabling them to offer revenue boosting hybrid personal training programs

Hybrid Personal Training

Computer Vision and AI Driven

Motivision's devices are attached to existing workout stations and identify, collect and refine millions of currently uncaptured data points to seamlessly track and guide users throughout their workout sessions

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Automated Data Capture and Analysis

Motivision's AI devices attach to gym equipment, automatically detecting and analyzing user movements to collect a wealth of workout data. This system processes and refines data points like form, repetitions, and pace, previously untracked, ensuring a detailed capture of the workout session.


Real-Time Feedback and Guidance

During workouts, Motivision's system guides users through their trainer-programmed routines, providing real-time feedback on velocity and range of motion to ensure they meet their specific exercise targets. This immediate guidance helps users maintain the intensity and effectiveness of their session as designed by their trainer.


Trainer Integration and Routine Optimization

Personal trainers access a dashboard summarizing the AI-collected data, enabling them to manage and tailor routines for multiple clients more effectively. The immediate insights allow for dynamic adjustments to workout plans, enhancing personalization and driving better fitness outcomes.

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